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Dan McCormack

Creative Director / Writer


Dan McCormack

Creative Director / Writer





One a day

One a day

With a sleek new look and powerful brand message, we turned One A Day into the brand that champions science to cut through the wellness noise.

In a world of so-called “experts” and algorithm-fueled social feeds, One A Day believes it’s time we listen to science. The “Science That Matters” to be exact.


guns down america

guns down america

Guns Down America is an NGO focused on higher standards for gun ownership. Gun safety standards have to start from within the gun community. So, while the gun community continues to glorify them, we hijacked the format used by gun enthusiasts – online gun reviews – and told the gripping stories of gun violence survivors reviewing the very guns that almost took their lives. By posting the reviews in gun enthusiast communities and engaging with them on social media, we ensured our target - gun content creators - would inevitably see our message.

"Gun Survivor Reviews"

ACD/Writer: Ze Baldin   |  ACD/Art Director: Gabriel Barrea | Designer: Victor Ferreira

CD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  CD/Copywriter: Ricardo Salgado | CD/Art Director: Rodolfo Fernandes

ECD: Ioana Filip

CCO: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross


2022 Cannes 1 Gold / 2 Bronze




Could senior citizens with zero followers have a greater influence than social influencers with millions of followers? This question led to an idea that inspired teens and young people around the world to take actions that would ultimately change their lives and shape their futures.

"The 85-Year-Old Regret"

ACD/Writer: Alejandro Pere   |  ACD/Art Director: Chris Cavalieri

CD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  CD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

ECD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross


2019 D&AD 2 Pencils (Wood), 1 Shortlist One Show 5 Merits Cannes 2 Shortlist LIA 2 Bronze NY Festivals 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 1 Finalist Lürzer’s Archive Vol. 4 – 2018. 2019 Communication Arts Advertising Annual Vol. 60


"Stanford's Story: The 71-Year-Old Regret"

“Lin’s Story: The 83-Year-Old Regret”

"Guillermo's Story: The 76-Year-Old Regret"


jack daniel’s fire

jack daniel’s fire

In life, the smallest moments often yield the biggest flavor. We couldn’t afford Biz Markie but thankfully we still got to use the greatest rap ballad of all time.

"All Together" | Director: Jason Harper

ACD/Writer: Ricky Johanet   |  ACD/Art Director: Jordan Sparrow

CD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  CD/Art Director: Jon Leachman

CD/VP Writer: Lucas Owens | CD/VP Art Director: Monique Kaplan

CCO: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross




AT&T Believes is a nationwide effort to support the ideas of employees to help with creating positive change where they work and live. The first program launched in Chicago last fall with the goal of economic change in Chicago’s most distressed neighborhoods. Starring real AT&T employees, ‘Roll Up Your Sleeves’ shows how the new campaign transforms the passion of its employees into actionable programs that help ignite and revitalize the communities where they live and work.

"Roll Up Your Sleeves” | Director: Malik Sayeed

CD/Writer: Dan McCormack   |  CD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

ECD: Matt MacDonald / Vince Cook

Editor: Carlos Arias

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American Egg Board

American Egg Board

To relaunch the iconic “Incredible Egg,” we reframed the answer to the age-old question, “How do you like your eggs?” to get people thinking about eggs beyond breakfast and showcase the infinite number of ways to enjoy them.

"The Incredible Egg Rebrand"

Copywriter: Mark Price  | Art Director: Nick Sesto

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  ACD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

CD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross

We hijacked radio’s most boring unit – all 4 seconds of it – to inspire consumers with recipes that got them thinking about eggs beyond breakfast.  The campaign won “Most Innovative Commercial Use of Radio” at the 2018 Radio Mercury Awards.

"4-Second Recipes"

Copywriter: Mark Price  | Art Director: Nick Sesto

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  ACD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

CD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross


2018 Radio Mercury Awards - WINNER: Most Innovative Commercial Use of Radio

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Copywriter: Mark Price  | Art Director: Nick Sesto

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  ACD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

CD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross


Communication Arts 2018 Photography Competition: Shortlist

Lurzers Archive: 2018 vol. 2




Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel whiskey spends its entire life in one barrel and is bottled one barrel at a time. Which means that every barrel is a one-of-a-kind whiskey that will never be duplicated.

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Off The Street Club

Off The Street Club

Off The Street Club is Chicago's oldest boy's and girl's club, providing safety and mentorship for children on Chicago's violent West Side. On Veteran's Day we partnered with a local veteran's group to reframe the violence in Chicago for a nation that had grown numb to it.

"The Toughest Letter" | Directors: Cheese&Cracker

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  ACD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

CD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross


Cannes 2 Shortlist One Show 2 Merit NY Festival 2 Bronze Effies 2 Silver, 4 Bronze

At the Club's annual fundraising luncheon we projected this piece to create an immersive 360 experience that helped drive more at-event donations than ever. Ultimately our campaign not only raised enough money to keep the doors open in 2017, it was the most successful fundraising effort in their 116-years. The poem, read as voiceover, was written by me.

"Open Letter to the Street"

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  ACD/Art Director: Fernando Passos

CD: Pedro Perez/Josh Gross





For this project we were asked to create a spot championing the Tiguan’s safety. Using the insight that a mother will go to any length to protect her child, we came up with this.

"Sacrifice"   |   Director:  Simon McQuoid

Copywriter: Dan McCormack | Art Director: Paul Oberlin

Group Creative Director: Michael Kadin


From "'Scuse me while I kiss this guy" ('Purple Haze') to "Wrapped up like a douche in the middle of the night" ('Blinded By The Light'), we've all belted out the wrong lyrics at some point in our life. But with the crystal-clear sound of the Fender Premium Audio System in the Passat, chances are you'll never embarrass yourself again.

"Rocket Man"   |   Director: Lance Acord

Copywriter: Dan McCormack / Ryan Scott / David Povill   |   Art Director: Ryan Hitzel / Ryan McLaughlin

Group Creative Director: Michael Kadin

Sign Then Drive Event

It's so easy to get a new Volkswagen during the 'Sign Then Drive Event,' you might forget that you're on a test drive.

"Vegas" & "Coming Home"   |   Director: David Shane

Copywriter: Dan McCormack / Scott Hansen   |   Art Director: Ryan McLaughlin

Assoc. Creative Directors: Mark Peters / Brian Friedrich

Group Creative Directors: Matt Ian / Michael Kadin

E-66: Electric Vehicle Project

(I'm pretty proud of this even though it's a five-minute video and nobody's going to watch it.)

In the summer of 2010, Volkswagen issued a challenge to its entire global agency network:  develop a program and strategy to bring a test fleet of Electric Vehicles to key markets around the globe.

A handful of agencies with the best ideas would receive funding and up to fifty Electric Vehicles to be used in their respective market. Our market was nearly the entire United States.

A few weeks after its submission, we were informed by the head client in Germany that our idea had set the bar by which all others would be measured, and in early 2011 we were awarded the project, which at the time was scheduled to launch in early 2014.

I have to say it was one of the proudest moments of my career. Unfortunately, after a few years of dragging their feet, Tesla beat them to the punch.


Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |   Art Director: Scott Wilson

Group Creative Directors: Eric Springer / Michael Kadin




Little Beasts was created by my former partner, Amy Ditchman, as an online video series. Following its success, the client asked for a sequel. Facing The Godfather 2-like expectations, we accepted the challenge and I think the resulting campaign lives up to the original. While the series lives on YouTube, this episode can only be seen here... until the client's legal team asks me to take it down.

"Classroom Chaos"   |   Director:  Rob Cohen

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  CD/Art Director: Amy Ditchman

Executive Creative Director: Mike Roe


Raid Ant & Roach Spray

Raid Ant & Roach Spray

Raid® Ant & Roach Spray kills seven times faster than the next leading competitor. Proving the efficacy of the product left us with a lot of dead roaches, so we decided to put their corpses to good use. Suffice it to say, 60,000 roaches were permanently harmed in the making of these ads.

"Roach Masterpiece"   |   Director:  Daniel Ryan

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |  ACD/Art Director: Chris Cavilieri

Creative Director: Jonathan Linder

Executive Creative Director: Mike Roe


Oberto Beef Jerky

Oberto Beef Jerky

Eat Like An Alpha

Socrates had Plato. Batman had Robin. Crockett had Tubbs. History has proven time and time again that every Alpha has a Sidekick. And chances are, you’ve got one too. Unless of course – you’re the sidekick. How can you tell? Well, in order to be the Alpha, you’ve got to act like one. And that means eating a lot of Oberto Beef Jerky. This campaign explores the timeless dynamic that exists between dominant males and the friends who want to be just like them.

"Copstache" & "Jump the Pier" & "Hit the Head"  |  Director:  Randy Krallman

Copywriter: Dan McCormack / Jimbo Embry / Jason Rappaport | Art Director: Mike Bokman / Emily McDowell

CCO: Court Crandall | ECD: Curt Detweiler


One Show 2 Merits (Campaign; Single)

Digital / Social / Brand Extension

We created, where Alphas could assert their dominance over their friends and mess with them. Guys could tag friends as their "Sidekick" in Facebook photos, create "To-do" lists and email them to their right-hand man, and send them links to ridiculous sites, where, if they clicked on the URL, they were redirected to our site where they were reminded to eat more Oberto. We also created e-cards for Alphas to send to their little buddy. Posters, coasters and (proposed but never made) "Sidekick Size" bags of jerky served as activation/extension pieces to round out the campaign.

To further reinforce the Alpha/Sidekick dynamic, we created a subsidiary brand called "Trusty" and created an online store where Alphas could order gifts for their Sidekick. These included t-shirts, hats,  jerky-scented cologne, shotgun/passenger seat covers and a one-of-a-kind Suzuki Sidekick.


Sony Playstation

Sony Playstation

Playstation Sharpshooter & Killzone 3

During a :17-second lull between Volkswagen projects, my partner and I were given the opportunity to help out on Playstation. Then all hell broke loose on VW. Somewhere in the madness, we sweat out these spots starring Vice President of the Planet, Kevin Butler. 

"Reversible KB" & "Fish in a Barrel"   |   Director: Randy Krallman

Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  Art Director: Scott Wilson / Elias Morales

ACD: Josh Fell

Creative Director: Jason Elm / Mike Bryce

Brand Extension

To promote the launch of Killzone 3, we mailed 500 individually numbered bags of toy army men to journalists, bloggers and key influencers across the country a few weeks before the launch of the game.

But instead of the classic green army men, each bag contained 10 Helghast soldiers and, somewhere deep inside, a lone ISA Marine, to give gamers a taste of the overwhelming odds they’re up against in Killzone 3.

Bloggers ate it up and the unpaid media impressions the pieces garnered far outweighed the cost of producing them. Some bags ended up on eBay or become prizes for online contests.

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Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  Art Director: Scott Wilson / Elias Morales

Creative Director: Jason Elm / Mike Bryce




ESPN College GameDay

Since the inception of College GameDay in 1987, ESPN had asked for a new campaign every season. In 2007 they challenged us to create a campaign that not only had legs but also gave fans a "behind the scenes" look at GameDay and increased traffic to

To answer this challenge we created “How Well Do You Know GameDay?” - an interactive campaign that established a bridge between the show's on-air broadcasts and their online efforts - bringing fans closer to the show experience than ever before. Spots posed "true or false" questions to viewers about how well they knew the iconic show and directed them to the web site to get the answer.

  • In 2009, we introduced mobile answers, where fans could submit their “true or false” choice via text message and receive a link to a video with the correct answer. At the time it was one of the first ad campaigns to use text messaging to interact with an audience.

  • In 2010, with firmly established, we ended the "true or false" setup as the campaign evolved, with spots tapping into and celebrating school traditions and coaches.

  • In all, the campaign ran for six years and over 60 spots were created. Hosts Chris, Kirk, Lee and Des called it their favorite GameDay campaign of all time.

College GameDay Television

"Purple Pimp"

"Bed Check"

"Eugene Switch-a-roo"

"Quiet Time"

"Gravity Boots"

"Howard's Rock"

"Nick and the Little Debbies"

"Something For Later"

"Don't Sleep"

"Tressel's Twins"

Director: Ruben Fleischer (2007-2008)  |  Peter Darley Miller (2009-2012)

Copywriter/AD: Dan McCormack|  Art Director: Craig Ferrence (2007)  |  Shannon Tham (2009)

CCO: Court Crandall

GameDay Digital Experience

Upon arriving at, fans were tasked with choosing whether the spot was true or false. After making their choice, they were shown a video with the correct answer. They could also participate in interactive Q&As with the GameDay crew, watch video blogs and game highlights, post GameDay signs and vote on their favorite ones, and enter the season-long contest to see which fans could correctly answer the most spots, all of which fostered a stronger relationship between football fans and the College GameDay brand.




 What happens when the #1 overall pick in the NFL draft also happens to use AXE hair products? He gets a “hair double” for protection.

"Hair Double”  |   Director: Clay Weiner

Copywriter: Dan McCormack  |  Art Director: Emily McDowell

CCO: Court Crandall


The Sound Advice Project

The Sound Advice Project

According to the brief, children whose parents talk to them about drugs are up to 50% less likely to experiment with drugs. But with all the anti-drug messages saturating the airwaves, we figured the last thing anyone needed was another television commercial.

So, we created a unique, interactive online experience where parents could record a message of love and support for their child. That message was then visualized as a sound wave and translated into a wearable bracelet, turning the medium into the message. 

Copywriter: Dan McCormack / Jason Rappaport  |  Art Director: Mike Bokman / Emily McDowell

CCO: Court Crandall | ECD: Curt Detweiler


One Show - Merit

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Lexus had a long history of making safe, reliable, highly uninspiring cars. So when the RC F came along, this ad wrote itself.

ACD/Copywriter: Dan McCormack   |   ACD/Art Director: Ryan DiDonato

Group Creative Director: Jason Stinsmuehlen